How to Save Time Renting a Car at the Airport (Completely Skip the Line!)

the number one travel tip that will help you bypass those frustrating queues and get you on the road faster.

Are you tired of wasting precious vacation time standing in long airport car rental lines? In this article, we will share the number one travel tip that will help you bypass those frustrating queues and get you on the road faster. As a seasoned pilot’s wife and travel YouTuber, I have discovered a free program with Hertz car rental called Hertz Gold, which has allowed me to skip the line for over seven years. Join me as I explain how you can become a Hertz Gold member and enjoy this hassle-free travel hack.

Section 1: Becoming a Hertz Gold Member

  • Overview of Hertz Gold: Hertz Gold is a free program offered by Hertz car rental, designed to streamline the car rental process and eliminate the need to wait in long airport rental car lines.
  • Download the Hertz App: To make the process even easier, download the free Hertz app, which allows you to access your Hertz Gold membership benefits conveniently.
  • Completing the Gold Form: Fill out the required information in the Gold form, including your driver’s license number and flight details, to ensure a seamless rental experience. Remember to update your driver’s license number if it has changed recently.
  • Utilizing the Modify Trip Feature: If you don’t know your flight details at the time of booking, you can use the “modify trip” feature in the app to add your flight number and airline information later.

Section 2: Enjoying the Benefits of Hertz Gold

  • Text Message Notifications: Enable text message notifications to receive important updates from Hertz regarding your rental, such as the location of the Gold parking lot and your assigned car details. Rest assured that Hertz only sends texts close to your rental period and not before.
  • Validating Your Email: Provide a valid email address during the rental booking process. This is important as Hertz often sends promotional offers and discounts via email, including free rental days or exclusive deals during holidays.
  • Finding the Gold Parking Lot: Upon arrival at the airport, follow the signs for ground transportation and rental cars. Rather than heading to the main rental car counter, proceed to the Gold parking lot, where you’ll find a designated area for Hertz Gold members. Look for the Gold board displaying your last name and the corresponding row number where your rental car awaits.
  • The Gold Member Counter: Adjacent to the Gold board, you’ll find a small building housing the Gold Member counter. In case you encounter any issues or need assistance, this is where you should go. However, as a Gold member, you typically won’t need to visit the counter.

Section 3: Additional Benefits and Tips

  • Points and Rewards: Hertz Gold members earn points with each rental, which can be accumulated for free rental days, buy-one-get-one offers, or other promotions. Make sure to check your email regularly for these exclusive rewards.
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleet: If you’re interested in driving an electric car, Hertz boasts the largest EV fleet in North America, making it a great option for environmentally conscious travelers.
  • Returning Your Rental: When it’s time to return your rental car, simply drop it off and leave. With Hertz Gold, you don’t have to wait for an attendant to check the vehicle or confirm mileage. Just remember to remove your personal belongings and leave the keys in the cup holder.
  • Capture Mileage Information: As a precaution, take a picture of the car’s mileage before returning it, just in case there are any discrepancies or issues with the rental agreement.

Conclusion: With Hertz Gold membership, you can save time and skip the long airport rental car lines, allowing you to start your vacation promptly. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can join the Hertz Gold program for free and enjoy a hassle-free car rental experience. Don’t let the rental car process dampen your travel excitement—take advantage of this valuable travel tip and make the most of your journey. Safe travels!

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